Sportsman's Association Of Black Bass Anglers (SABBA)
Sportsman's Association Of Black Bass Anglers (SABBA)
SABBA's By-laws1 (pdf)
Sportsman’s Association of Black Bass Anglers Constitution and By-Laws
(Revised as of April – 2023)
Article 1 – Name, Purpose and Affiliation
Section 1 – Name
The organization shall be called “Sportsman’s Association of Black Bass Anglers”. Commonly referred to as SABBA.
Section 2 – Purpose
a) To stimulate awareness of bass fishing as a major competitive sport.
b) To promote adherence to conservation codes and to demand clean water standards and legal enforcement of existing regulatory standards.
c) To detect and report any water quality pollution violations to the proper authorities.
d) To promote our member’s bass angling skills and promote conservation efforts and regulations through written communications and classroom type environmental training sessions.
e) To promote and encourage youths and adults to participate in the sport of fishing.
f) To promote sportsmanship, water and boating safety to all members, their families and community members whom we meet while on and off the water.
Article 2 – Membership and Dues
Section 1 – Membership
Application for membership remains open to all those individuals affiliated with a club or organization that in past years who have a verifiable history of having been a member of SABBA. Application of membership also remains open to current members of SABBA., member of w/ Jim Austin and Fishing 4 Reel Outdoors.
Section 2 – Membership Dues
An individual’s membership affiliation with SABBA is from date of application acceptance by SABBA along with the applicant’s payment of annual dues. All memberships will expire at the end of each calendar year and must be renewed prior to participating in any SABBA sponsored events. New members applications and payment of dues will be accepted and time during the calendar year if all affiliation requirements are met.
Section 3 – Annual Member Dues
Annual membership dues will be set at a reasonable amount to cover only those expenditures the organization must bare to support the operation and maintenance of the organization. SABBA’s executive board members reserves the right to increase or decrease member dues on an annual basis. The executive board must ratify or denied the increase will be reviewed and voted on by no later than December 31st each calendar year. No, proxy or voting by mail will be allowed.
Article 3 – SABBA Executive Board Members
Section 1 – Executive Board positions are as follows:
a) President
b) Vice – President
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Tournament Director
f) Public Relations Director
g) Youth Director
Section 2 – Election of Executive Board Members
All SABBA executive board members are elected officials. Elected officials are nominated by SABBA members that are in good standings with the organization. Voting will take place the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend bi-annually. Executive board members are required to serve a two-year term beginning the day after the Labor Day weekend bi-annually.
Section 3 – Removal of an executive board member
Removal of an executive board member from their position shall be subject to a two-thirds majority vote by organizational members that are in good standings during a regular, special, or emergency meeting. Any SABBA executive board member may be removed from office for cause. Below are examples for removal but by no means are they limiting factors.
a) Any action that reflects unfavorably, bring dishonor to, or discredits the organization.
b) Misappropriation of organization funds.
c) Personal misconduct or illegal representation negatively impacting the organization.
Section 4 – SABBA officer Duties
a) Shall prepare an agenda and preside over all scheduled, special and emergency meetings of the executive board.
b) Direct all official business, supervise all association activities, appoint and be an ex-official member of all standing and special committees.
c) Be the official spokesperson and representative of the organization in relationship to communication with other organization’s representatives.
d) Delegate such duties as may be appropriate to better serve the organization.
e) Approve the dissemination of information being provided to all SABBA members prior to its release.
Vice - President
a) In the absence of the president assume all presidential responsibilities.
b) When requested by the president, aid in the performance of organizational management responsibilities.
a) Record accurate meeting minutes.
b) Maintain all meeting minutes for two calendar years.
c) Maintain an accurate roster of all current and past members.
d) Notify all executive board members of planned or emergency meetings or conference calls.
a) Receive and disburse all moneys upon approval of the executive board.
b) Receive update rosters with dues from all eligible members. Forward updated member roster to the president.
c) Maintain accurate financial records and present current bank record at each regular or scheduled executive board meeting or upon special request by the president. All disbursements shall be approved by the president.
Tournament Director
a) The tournament director shall review and enact all tournament plans at SABBA sponsored tournaments, providing leadership and direction to all tournament officials and angler participants.
b) The tournament director shall be responsible for accurate record-keeping processes to include the operation of the scales and communications with record keeping assistants.
c) The tournament director will report necessary information regarding tournaments to SABBA executive board members.
d) The tournament director is responsible for monitoring all tournament activities to include proper tournament rules information is disseminated to all anglers’ participants
e) The tournament director is responsible for reviewing, investigating, and ruling on all tournament rules violations witnessed or reported to him within SABBA’s established tournament rules.
Public Relations Director
a) Public relations director will be responsible for negotiations with current and potential sponsors.
b) The director will provide necessary information regarding donations and contributions to the SABBA executives board members as well as keeping them informed of all negotiation and commitment from current and potential sponsor.
c) The director will be responsible for coordinating with the executive board all requests for write-ups in public communications such as newspapers and magazines as well as radio and television appearance requests while promoting the organization.
Youth Director
a) The Youth Director will seek out opportunities for SABBA to coordinate and provide support to organizations involved in youth programs that involve conservation, fishing, and education.
b) The Youth Director will develop and provide leadership and guidance for increasing youth involvement in fishing.
c) The Youth Director will provide feedback to executive board members and solicit organization member support regarding his efforts.
Section 5 –SABBA Voting Rights
a) Elected executive board member are expected to act in the best interests of the organization. Executive board members when prudent, will consult with organization members for input when prudent on organizational change or issues that are to be addressed at regular or special board meetings. Executive board members reserve the right to vote and act on the behalf of the organization’s best interest.
Section 6 - Voting for Executive Board Member.
b) All members of SABBA are eligible to run for the office of President if they have fished the last 5 years of SABBA’s fishing tournaments. All members of SABBA are eligible to run for any SABBA’s board position / offices except the office of President must have fished SABBA’s last 3 years fishing tournaments.
Article 4 – Meetings
Section 1 - Scheduled Meetings
a) All meeting will be schedule and planned with notifications provided in a timely manner to all executive board members. These meeting may be attended by any SABBA member that wishes to address the board concerning special request or concerns as they relate to the operational and volunteered efforts being offered on behalf of the organization.
Section 2 –Special Meetings
a) From time to time, SABBA officers may call special meetings for organizational purposes, committee meetings, etc. Directors and SABBA officers that are required to attend shall be given at last two week’s prior notice, in writing of the special meeting.
Section 3 –Emergency Meeting
a) An emergency meeting shall constitute a true emergency and every effort will be made to notify all executive board members, place, and time, to afford all executive board members to attend.
Section 4 –Meeting rules of Order
a) All meeting shall be conducted under Robert’s Rule of Order principles.
Section 5 –Conference Calls
a) Conference calls will be used when practical for meeting based on practicality and phone line accessibility. Notifications will be sent to those required to participate in the call via landline, e-mail, or cell phone. Notifications will be at least one week prior to the call unless the meeting is scheduled to address an immediate emergency.
Article 5 – Committees
Section 1 –Standing Committees
The following shall be considered permanent standing committees unless change by constitutional amendment:
a) Committee Members – The newly elected president shall appoint all members of committees at or soon after the Labor Day Holliday. Members of committees will only be comprised of executive board and regular members that are in good standings with the organization.
b) Tournament Committee – The number of members on this committee shall be determined by the tournament director. The purpose of this committee shall be to provide support to the tournament director, the organization, and local authorities in the protection of natural environment from harmful change, to document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state, and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulation, ordinances or other regulatory devices, to take action to improve our environment, to undertake and participate in established informational and educational programs that bring attention to community members and committee will participate in events and partner with organizations that lead the way in repairing the harm that already has been done to life-giving waters of all states in which SABBA operates.
Article 6 – General Rules of Operation
Section 1 – Rules
a) Under no circumstance shall any member of SABBA accept monetary assistance or gifts from individuals, businesses, corporations, or government agencies to be utilized for personal gain, if accepted under the name of SABBA. Actions of this sort shall be considered misappropriation of funds. This type of inappropriate behavior may reflect badly on SABBA bringing forth dis-honor and/ or disgrace to the organization. If any evidence of this type of behavior is founded, it will result in immediate permanent membership revocation as well as possible grounds for legal action to be taken.
b) All functions under the name of SABBA must be approved by a two-thirds vote of all elected executives board members.
c) All constitutional and by-laws changes must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the currently serving president and elected executive board members.
d) Under no circumstances shall SABBA accept monetary assistance or gifts from individuals, businesses, corporations, or government agencies if there is the slightest hint or evidence of prima facie, especially if underling factors indicate there is the possibility the individuals, businesses, corporations, or will reflect badly on SABBA if made public.
e) The secretary shall provide copies of the constitution and by-laws upon written request to all members in good standings with SABBA. Mailing or hand delivery of the constitution and by-laws is permissible.
f) All board meeting or conference calls requires that a minimum of two-thirds of the executive board be present before any voting can take place.
g) No full-time professional bass anglers or current full time fishing guides are eligible to fish SABBA tournaments.
h) After the tournament weigh-in and all angler weights have been totaled, an onsite polygraph will be administered to first, second, and third place winners. The tournament director at his discretion may select other participants in the event at random to subject themselves to the polygraph. This may also include big bass winners. Refusal to submit to the polygraph is immediate grounds for disqualification
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